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Mini Environnent Services Pte Ltd

MES Group achieves real-time consolidation of its Group Companies and gains full visibility of business through NetSuite

Significant savings on outsourced accounting and auditing

Saved 2 headcounts through CRM integration with Dormitory Application

Ability to get a real-time view of the Group Business

Customer: Mini Environment Services Pte Ltd

(MES Group)


Industry: Real-Estate

Location: Singapore

Number of subsidiaries: 8

Employee count: 250

Systems Replaced: QuickBooks

ERPs Considered: SAP, Microsoft Navision

NetSuite Modules Purchased: NetSuite OneWorld

Consolidation of its Group Companies through a third-party vendor had cost MES Group thousands. To save cost and enable real-time consolidation, MES Group selected NetSuite, which provided them a scalable solution. MES Group has also integrated NetSuite CRM with their Dormitory Application which eliminates duplicate work and provides the
management full visibility of the business – accounts, contracts, sales, compliance, and enforcement activities.

A pioneer and leader in technology adoption within the Foreign Worker Accommodation industry

Established in 1984, MES Group has multiple businesses, with the fundamental business of real estate and its related services. Its primary business is Foreign Workers Accommodation, while its secondary businesses include logistics and hospitality. It has over 40 fleets for its logistics business and owns a few hotels as part of its hospitality business.

MES Group is also a pioneer and a leader in technology adoption in Singapore with the entire dormitory and logistics business being on a technology platform. They had previously implemented NetSuite OneWorld and have now also integrated NetSuite CRM with their Dormitory Application.

The previous software was not scalable, requiring them to spend thousands on the consolidation of its Group Companies

The previous accounting software, QuickBooks, could not cater for multi-subsidiaries and consolidation. MES Group spent thousands consolidating its Group Companies through a vendor.

MES Group needed a product with richer functionality that could enable consolidation, was secure, scalable, and in real-time. To accomplish this, MES Group had to move to the cloud. 

Selecting NetSuite was an easy and natural answer

  1. For ERP selection, MES Group evaluated between SAP, Microsoft Navision & NetSuite. However, since multi-subsidiary consolidation and scalability was their main criteria, and NetSuite was the only ERP that could provide this, the decision to select NetSuite was easy. NetSuite was also able to provide MES Group users with multiple roles which improves security. 
  2. When it came to integrating a CRM with their Dormitory Application, MES Group had evaluated between SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft Navision, and NetSuite. However, NetSuite CRM was the natural option as it made the most economic and practical sense. They were already using NetSuite and their employees were trained in it. NetSuite is also quite established and already had most of the functionalities, they just had to extend it for CRM. It was much cheaper and had the least barrier to entry than if they had gone with SAP or Salesforce.

NetSuite brings visibility of the whole business anytime, anywhere

NetSuite and the Dorm Application has brought overall visibility of the business at anytime, anywhere. At a quick glance, MES Group can see the status of accounts, contracts, sales, compliance, and enforcement activities.

There is no dependency on getting data from any user or colleague. This allows easy access and faster decision making.

Raman Palaniappan

GM, Business & Corporate Planning at MES Group

The recent implementation of CRM with the Dorm Application helps remove duplication of work and improve productivity by:

  • Onboarding of the dormitory staff as data from the dorm application flows seamlessly to NetSuite CRM. For example, now MES Group does not have to create double contracts in the dormitory application and the CRM. 
  • Eliminating duplicate invoice creation as proforma invoices can be created in the Dorm Application and automatically sent to NetSuite, instead of creating the draft invoice twice in both systems. NetSuite CRM’s group invoicing feature is also useful in automating work.

“Integrating the entire onboarding of contracts, clients, and invoicing in both systems has been quite an achievement this year.”


NuVista was quick to understand requirements, has been supportive, and very responsive

“NuVista’s team has been a great support and is very responsive. I couldn’t have asked for better project leaders and an implementation team that understood our business requirements very quickly and also the hidden implications of why we have certain business rules. Otherwise, the implementation would have taken longer. 

Changes during the implementation were also fast. When we were very close to going live, NuVista’s team was making changes in real-time while we were testing it.”


Driving backend operations digitalisation in 2022, having digitalised most external processes

MES Group has achieved its technology roadmap for the last 2 years to digitalise most of its external processes and will continue looking at more technology-enabled solutions like eProcurement and integrating DocuSign as part of CRM to close projects quickly. MES Group’s focus next year is to digitalise its backend operations and internal workflow. This includes digitising recruitment and appraisals to remove manual work. 

Want to improve your productivity like MES Group?

Get in touch for a free consultation. Our highly experienced and competent team looks forward to sharing recommendations with you.



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